It’s a sign of mental health

Creativity is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, in the modern economy, its presence is persistently demanded from job seekers for acceptable salaries. Employers in the industry beautifully called “Digital” are especially guilty of this. Scientists have been struggling with the definition of creativity and the problem of the connection between creative abilities and the risk of developing mental disorders for decades. There are more than a hundred definitions of the phenomenon of creativity in scientific literature. They are united by the understanding that “creativity” is the ability to create something original and valuable.

Creativity Increases Risk of Developing Six Types of Mental Disorders

Here is the sad list: schizophrenia; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; autism spectrum disorder; bipolar disorder; clinical depression; anorexia nervosa. During the study, scientists collected and analyzed a huge array of data on the subjects’ academic performance in mathematics and languages; their genotype; professional activities in adulthood; the presence or absence of mental disorders, etc. This was a type of study called genome-wide association study.

A phone number database is a list of phone numbers, usually phone number database organized for purposes like marketing, sales, or reaching out to customers. This list often includes extra information such as the person’s name, address, and other details about them, along with their phone number. It’s important to follow the law when using these databases, especially rules like GDPR, TCPA, and CAN-SPAM, which need permission from the users for marketing. These databases are usually bought from companies that gather data or collected through online forms, surveys, or other methods where people agree to share their information.

Is it worth suffering from a lack of creativity? A personal view

phone number database (1)

From all that has been said, it logically follows that there is no need to be upset – after all, we are born either with what is commonly called creative abilities, or without them. It is unrealistic to order another genetics for yourself, it is a given and is supplied “as is”. Perhaps being happy is much more important than being creative. Even in a purely petty bourgeois, philistine sense. has “sat his ass” to develop his solid professional skills earns more per year than the average talented writer.

A sound designer, a creator of music for  musician-performer in a group have a more stable and calm life than an ambitious talented author striving for the big stage. Master illustrators and re more likely to fall into the so-called middle class than uncompromising artists by the grace of God. A big data analyst who won a genetic lottery for special mathematical abilities has a much better chance of success than a visionary startup founder.

What might you not like about your job?

In reality, in any job there is something marketing the olympic games in paris that you don’t like and that you absolutely don’t want to do, be it reports or communication with other departments, the waywardness of the boss or the stuffiness of colleagues. That is, an unconditionally beloved job is a great rarity.

Man has become a transmitter

The State Duma has approved a bill on electronic summonses. With its adoption,
the chance of not receiving a summons tends to zero. Those who evade conscription will, among other things, be banned from leaving the country, receiving loans, and registering real estate. They will also be banned from being self-employed or an individual entrepreneur. That is, it will not be possible to remain off the register. In this situation, work at enterprises and companies that reserve employees again becomes especially valuable.

 The neural network communicates instead of me

Important! If the employee is suitable for the chicago business position, another important condition must be met to be included in the list of reserved ones: the employee must be in the reserve. Those who served by conscription or alternative civilian service, were recognized as partially fit, and even those who hid from the military commissar until the age of 27 are included in the reserve. But the latter cannot be reserved! And if the employee is under 25 years old, that is, he has not yet been enrolled in the reserve, he also cannot be reserved.


Why recycle for free?

All these sly people know that the management would never approve of such a thing. But that doesn’t mean that they consider their actions immoral.“I could never understand why there was a taboo against working two jobs,” says the Ohio tech worker mentioned at the beginning of the article.

Man has become a transmitter

Now, when one of Ben’s bosses asks him, for example, to create a presentation for a new product. Our cunning worker forwards the technical task to the ChatGPT neural network. It has already managed to learn and adapt to Ben’s requirements, thanks to which it has become even better at understanding the context and what this particular customer expects from it:

But being fired won’t bring relief.

Losing a job is always experienced as a loss, which means a person goes through. The famous stages on the path to acceptance: shock, confusion, anger, bargaining, depression, and only then does acceptance come. Having lost a job, a person begins to feel useless and useless. There is even shame, which affects self-esteem. The worst and most painful stage is bargaining: “it was bad, but there was stability…”.

Sooner or later, this difficult stage will be passed. And only then will relief and joy come from the fact that you left the unloved job. And then you can think about the future. For example, start You come to the office already tired. Throughout the day you feel like your energy is being sucked out of you. All weekend you think about Monday with dread. There were outbursts of anger because the accumulated tension needed to be released somehow. Depressed state, apathy. Frequent illnesses and sleep disorders.

How would you feel if one of your friends quietly started working for several companies at once? This practice became popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, when working from home became. The new norm and going to the office no longer prevented people from working multiple jobs.

Motherboard collected stories from these people. As well as their opinions on working for multiple companies and concerns about the future. The first hero is Ben, who helps financial technology companies sell new products. His job is to write reports, storyboards, and presentation texts. Texts, texts, and more texts based on tables and databases.

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