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How to Properly Target Web Traffic to Drive Growth

Many naive entrepreneurs believe that all web traffic is created equal. They think marketing is all about advertising. As a result, they fail to properly target traffic and direct all online traffic to a quote page to purchase their product or service before the prospect has had time to build a relationship with the business. In today’s market, this strategy often fails because buyers no longer respond to sales pitches like they did in the past. Today, customers require more of an experience before they are willing to open their wallets to buy from you. You need to be able to communicate with your customers over a series of communications to build trust as you move them up the value ladder.

The typical value ladder usually starts

With the bait (something you give away for free). It is critical for you to understand that you are not trying to sell the customer anything at this stage. You are simply trying to get them into your communication funnel. Once in the funnel, you can continue to communicate with them until they are ready to buy. Thereafter, since they are in your algeria phone number library communication funnel, you can upsell them new and more expensive products or services as your trust factor with the customer increases and they move up your value ladder.

In order to get your prospects into your communication funnel, you need a way to communicate with them on a regular basis. This means you will need their email address. Very few prospects will be willing to give you their email address right away, and this is where understanding where your website traffic is coming from comes in. Depending on where your web traffic is coming from, you will need to have a different process in place to get their email address so they can begin their journey up the value ladder.

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Three types of network traffic

It’s important to understand that not all website chatgpt strategies for digital marketing traffic is created equal. There are basically 3 types of traffic:

  • The traffic you have
  • The traffic you rent
  • The traffic you attract

The network traffic you have

This is ultimately where you want all of your traffic bwb directory to end up. When you own web traffic, it costs nothing to reach them. You can communicate with them when you want and control the message. Examples of website traffic you own are your subscribers, followers, fans, and most importantly, the contacts on your email list. Once you own web traffic, you can make them different offers and push them through your communication channels.

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