Copywriter’s treasure 17 services for working with text

Below is an overview of useful services that will increase the efficiency of working with text. When creating this selection, we were more focused on beginners who are taking their first steps in commercial copywriting.

Uniqueness is an important factor in SEO. Search engines give preference to unique and original content when ranking website pages in search results. The reason: unique content is more likely to be relevant and informative for users – which is what search engines want to ensure when forming the search results. “High-quality website texts are investments that pay off. And faster than you think. We use different techniques for to ensure good search results.” To check uniqueness, you can use ready-made programs or online services. This approach is relevant when you need to check one or two texts, but if there are many texts, it is better to choose a solution that supports batch checking. You should also take into account that most online services have limitations that do not allow you to check several texts in a row at once.

Buying phone number lists involves thinking buy phone number list about important rules like GDPR (in Europe) and TCPA (in the U.S.), which control how personal information is gathered and used. Sometimes, you can legally buy these lists from companies that sell data or marketing businesses, but it’s very important to follow data protection rules and get permission from people before using their numbers for marketing. Using these lists without permission can result in big fines.

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LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. It is Google’s method for understanding the contextual meaning of words and phrases in a document. It allows search engines to better match search results to user intent, even when exact keywords are not used. LSI is an important factor in SEO because it helps sites rank higher for relevant keywords and phrases. You can select LSI words manually or using services. In the first case, you can use the hints that appear in the search bar when you enter a query. There are such hints not only in Google, but also in Yandex. In addition to the search bar, they are also displayed at the bottom of the page.


Spelling and punctuation are important for both SEO and users. After all, these rules directly affect the readability of the text, its comprehensibility. And all this indirectly affects behavioral factors, which in turn ultimately affects the place the page will take in search results.

If the text has many spelling or punctuation how much will a ukrainian seo errors, it is difficult to understand and users quickly close the page (which leads to an increase in bounce rates and a decrease in time on the site). There are also reviews from webmasters: search engines may consider content with spelling and punctuation errors as lower quality, which can also negatively affect the site’s placement in SERP.

There are many services for identifying punctuation and spelling errors. We have selected the most convenient ones. “Orfogrammka” is probably the highest quality Cyrillic spell checker. It explains and highlights all types of errors, including typographical, spelling, semantic, grammatical, stylistic, punctuation. It even finds complex errors that no other service will pay attention to. To work with Orfogrammka, you need to register via social networks. The service marks types of errors in different colors and gives useful tips on how to correct them.

RuNet is not very rich in this regard. The only chicago business service that competently checks the style of the text is “Glavred”, but it is tailored specifically for a commercial style with an informational bias. Glavred has something that no other spell checker has — it identifies garbage, helps to get rid of unnecessary intensifiers and biased assessments in the text. It knocks out bureaucratic language and parcellation, which many authors are guilty of. Weak verbs, vagueness, prepositions, generalizations, syntax problems — it really has it all. “Glavred” is a definite must-have for every author who wants to write in an informational style without cliches and stamps.

Services that help with SEO

Automatic services for semantic analysis of text and checking its SEO parameters make life much easier for authors and optimizers. SEO requirements are included in almost any technical task that is presented to a copywriter today. Services will help a copywriter-SEO specialist not to make basic technical errors that are immediately noticeable to an optimizer.


It is easy to work in the program. Just install it, run it and paste the text to be checked into the check window. Advego Plagiatus has quite a lot of settings. Let’s go through them in a quick mode: Search phrase – you need to set the value to 4. This refers to the total size of the phrase that will be searched. Shingle – just like with the size of the search phrase, we set the value to “4. Shingle” is the total number of words that can be considered borrowed.

Matches % – specify approximately 0.6%. This setting regulates the minimum acceptable % of total match with any other source. Break at % – specify from 20 to 35% so as not to waste computer resources on checking text that is definitely not unique. Size limit – this refers to the size of the page itself. The preferred option is to set the maximum value. Timeout — a break between requests sent by plagiatus. Set to 4 seconds.

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