How much will a ukrainian seo

The digital marketing agency Inweb (part of the Netpeak Group ) researched the Ukrainian labor market for SEO specialists. How much they earn, what competencies are valued, where they get new knowledge, and what clients they work with.specialists of various levels of expertise and from various fields were interviewed. The median was used for statistical data . We share the results. and $1,000 less for Team Lead and undecided respondents.Comparison of salaries of women and men 2024 – SEO specialists . Insight: men’s median salary is almost 1.5 times higher than women’s. Mostly in Senior and Team Lead positions. The highest salary for those who work in large companies with a staff of 251 or more is $1,500–$2,000.SEO Salary and Company Size — SEO Research.Intern and Junior specialists earn more in agencies than in-house — $501–$1,000 and $1,001–$1,500, respectively. Other grades have a higher median when working in-house.

Research insights

93% of respondents use artificial intelligence at work. 61% of them are sure that it does not affect their wages.Managers (Team Lead and Head of Department) most often earn a salary in the $2001-$3000 range, as does Senior SEO.In Ukraine, 51% of respondents are satisfied with their income, abroad – only 35%. Although in recent years the income is 1.5 times higher.In large companies, the probability of receiving a social package is higher: in companies with a staff of 251 or more employees, the probability is more than .

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As for the format of cooperation, the majority of respondents answered that they are registered as FOPs – 53%. The second form of work in terms of the number of questionnaires is personal agreement – 22%, 17% of respondents are employed by the state, and 8% are on a gig contract.

Portrait of respondents

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SEO specialists took part in the study. The largest number of respondents aged 25 to 34 — 64%, most of them are specialists aged 30–34. 83% of respondents answered that they live in Ukraine.
The share of women among respondents was 37%, and men – 60%. 3% of respondents chose not to indicate their gender. There are more Junior level specialists among women. And Senior level among men.Age and Gender – SEO Inweb ResearchDistribution by grades and work experience.29% of the surveyed respondents have the Middle level. Next, according to the number of answers from Junior — 17%. Answers from managers (Team Lead and Head of Department) — 21%. Questionnaire of Senior level specialists as well as respondents who could not determine their grade — 15% each. The least questionnaires were received from Intern — 3%.Grade and Experience – Inweb SEO Research. At the same time, half of the respondents have more than 5 years of work experience — most of them are Senior. Team Lead, and Head of Department. 18% have been working in the industry for 3-5 years. Respondents with 2–3 years of work experience, as well as those with 1–2 years of work experience — 12% each.

Distribution by company type and cooperation formats

The majority of respondents, 55%, work in-house. 32% work in agencies, 14% answered that they work as freelancers with various clients.SEO Research — Inweb.The largest number of questionnaires for specialists working in a company with a staff of 11–50 people is 30%. 24% of respondents work in companies with 51–200 employees. The lowest number of responses from those who work for themselves is 10%.SEO research — Inweb agency. Interestingly, 14% of respondents who indicated that they work as freelancers with various clients were divided on the question of the number of employees – 69% of them indicated that they work for themselves, the rest – in a team of up to 100 people.We can assume several hypotheses here. Some respondents who work as freelancers with different clients work with other SEO specialists but do not have a common agency. Some respondents work for an agency that promotes clients’ sites, but additionally provide services as freelancers without a contractor.

Salary of a Ukrainian SEO specialist

Now let’s consider what the salary of an selz seo SEO specialist is, what it consists of, and what affects its level. Of specialists earn in foreign currency, mainly in US dollars.In what currency are SEO specialists paid — Inweb. Total reward distribution from grade. The analysis of respondents’ answers shows a smooth increase in salary depending on the grade. Median Intern earns $201-$500, Junior earns $501-$1000, and Middle earns $1001-$1500.The median. Also indicates that managers earn a salary in the range of $2,001 to $3,000. By the way, Senior has the same median.Salaries of SEO specialists — Inweb.The level of earnings of men and women depending on the grade.The overall median for men is $1,501–$2,000 and for women is $1,001–$1,500, about 1.5 times less. This is the total distribution of salaries among women and men, not taking into account the grade. That is, the two data sets have a different ratio of positions. Among women there are more Juniors, among men more Seniors, so the more accurate data will be in the breakdown of positions.In this breakdown, the median income for Intern, Junior, Middle and Head of Department has the same values ​​for men and women. The median for Senior differs by $500 less for women.

Age and experience as a factor influencing salary

The median income of professionals sad life box under the age of 34 increases steadily — the older. The higher the compensation. Professionals aged 35-45 have a lower range figure of $500 less than professionals aged 30-34. Although the higher range figure is the same at $2,000.Age and Salary of SEO Specialists — Inweb Research. Based on experience responses, median compensation remains the same for 1-3 year professionals at $500-$1,000. SEO specialists with more than 5 years of experience earn $2001-$3000.Salary and Experience of SEO Specialists — SEO Research. This is the general distribution of salary by age category, not taking into account the grade. Below we will consider more indicatively in terms of grades.Size and type of company and the effect. On the median relative to the grades . For small companies (up to 10 employees), median salaries are $500–$1,500, in companies with up to 250 employees — $1,001–$1,500.

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