Competition analysis (and three tools to get it)



Whether you start with your company in Social Mia as if you already have a consolidat image in the middle we can never lose sight of our competitors. Analyzing what our competitors do not only serves us if they grow more or less and how are you doing but (if they are doing well) they can give us positive clues that we can later apply to our own company.

The first thing we must do before investigating is to ask ourselves who our competition is (what sure we have).

Competeting companies are those that operate within the same sector in which your company moves. It is that company that “eats you” market niche and customers that you could attend. When we talk about competition we differentiate two types:

• Direct competition which move in the same market and offer the same service as you or sell the same product (LU cookies and cookies Cuétara)

• Indirect competition which move in the same sector as us but sell a different product (go to the movies and go to skate)

Do you know who your competitors are? Well it is time to analyze what they are doing. To do this we must look at different aspects:

Your range of products or services

Price Strategy

Number of employees and resources

Keywords for which they are position: if they are too competitive look for alternatives that make your keywords unique keywords.

Brand image

Communication tone

Social networks where they are active communication tone number of followers and follow number of daily updates … and at this point it is where we are going to pay special attention in this post.

Today the Internet and social networks are aspects where much of the brand image of a company is forg.

Users expect the brand to communicate with them so that there is communication between both parties. Doing a good job on social networks can make you buy you or on the contrary go with the competition because “they attend them better.”

In order for this to happen it is important to use tools for monitoring and analysis of social networks both their own and those of the competition. These are the three that we have chosen:

Content index
Three tools for competition analysis
#1. Fanpage Karma
You can use this tool if you want to analyze your clipping path accounts and those of your Facebook competitors Twitter Google+ Instagram YouTube and Pinterest although “your specialty” are the Facebook pages.

basic image editing services

Competition analysis


The free plan offers an analysis in detail of the last 90 days of your accounts in addition to comparative data with the competitors you choose. If you Kedudukan Jenama: 4 aspek untuk mengenalinya dengan lebih baik wish with this plan you can even receive weekly and even alert reports if you choose it.

The free plan analysis compares performance growth more us content fans retweets interaction publication frequency engagement according to day and time …


Competition analysis

Competition analysis

Example of our Facebook page analysis


A more detail analysis (of the free version too) focuses on bh lists keywords and content extension of the article success according to the type of post influencers … shows it in a table with different colors.

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