6 basic techniques to encourage creativity



Do you think it is born with creative capacity? The reality is that there are many techniques that help foster creativity develop your creative capacity and that will inspire new ideas in the creative part of your brain.


1. Be curious. Ask.
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Keep an attitude of “interrogation” in your routines. Ask yourself the reason for things and see the world around you.

To ask useful questions is a skill that also nes to be practic. It is important to learn to ask good questions that allow you to get value from meetings. You can ask your friends family and even Google.

In addition ask yourself things that ne open answers. Those questions of themselves and are not very clos. For example the classics 5 w’s (who what when how where and why) can be a good way to start.

In your leisure time not only disconnect from the computer you can continue promoting your creativity in a “passive” way: speaking with colleagues or preparing a brainstorm about a subject. You can get many ideas and knowlge if we share it with others.

Promote creativity


2. Create a daily routine.
A good way to encourage creativity is to “force you” to dicate a daily space to achieve it. If you want to be creative and practice it like the one who says from “Easter to Ramos” it is likely that in the end you end up leaving it aside.

How about drawing writing or painting every day at the same time? Setting your “artist” time is a good way to maintain a creative mind.

Promote creativity


3. Walk. Walk. Walk.
If there is something that the big CEOs of large companies share it is not just charisma and business vision many of them have in common the fans for giving long walks.

There are great figures that have also confirm it such as Víctor Hugo who said he walk to generate new ideas. He also did Steve Jobs.

Taking a long walk allows you to absorb new ideas and even find inspiration.

Promote creativity

4. Stay alert.
You must be attentive to everything that surrounds you. You never know when a new idea or something that inspires you will come. A characteristic of creative people is that they are able to visualize things from other angles and adopt different perspectives and ways to do.

In addition you can always carry with you a image resize pencil or a pen to write down at any time the ideas that pass through your head.

Promote creativity

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Experience Read.

Although sometimes reading a lot is not synonymous with creativity reading is a habit that stimulates the brain and drives you to experiment with what they learn. In addition reading favors learning and memory.

Promote creativity

6. Share your achievements
Share everything you get with others. It will marketing for entrepreneurs: 7 strategies that work always report benefits because they will help you give different approaches to your idea and you can learn with them.

A small warning: sharing your ideas with others bh lists has many benefits but it may be that someone does not share your idea. Do not come down or discourage tastes are as many as colors.

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