Soft skills reality or fiction

Until about 1972, soft skills were unheard of in the world. Critical thinking has been an element of the Scientific Method since its inception in Ancient Greece and India. The ability to distinguish the peculiarities of different cultures and find common ground.

Where do soft skills come from

In the late 1960s, savvy American military men had an epiphany: they discovered that knowing how to operate equipment was one thing, but managing soldiers and motivating them to win was another.Military strategists became concerned: why haven’t we studied this “other” thing, haven’t we catalogued it? Why aren’t we teaching this “other” thing to sergeants or officers? In 1968, they first tried to formulate a definition of the implied group of skills with the help of a team of hired psychologists. The following came out.

A special database is a collection of very special database specific or specialized data created for a particular use. This could include customer databases, industry-specific contact lists, medical records, or specialized research data sets. These databases are commonly used in marketing, business intelligence or. Other areas where customized information is needed for making important decisions. Because the data is sensitive and specific, using or accessing a special database usually requires strict adherence to legal and privacy rules, such as GDPR or TCPA.

“Soft Skills are work-related skills that involve activities that primarily involve people and paper . Such as inspecting troops, supervising office staff, conducting research, preparing maintenance reports, efficiency.”The name “Soft skills” was introduced to the world in 1972 at a conference of representatives of the US Armed Forces Command (CONARC). Whitmore, a doctor of general experimental psychology at the University of Tennessee.

Modern understanding of the phenomenon

special database

For example, a group of researchers from Harvard, the Carnegie Foundation and the Stanford Research Institute (USA) stated that success in the professional sphere depends 75-85% on the level of development of a person’s soft skills and only 15-25% on professional subject competencies. A 2006 study found that employers believe that the skills least developed in graduates are collaboration and creativity in performing work functions. (Note that our list of “soft skills” also includes a semantic monster called “creativity”).

At a conference of representatives of. The US Armed Forces Command (CONARC). Whitmore, a doctor of general experimental psychology at the University of Tennessee.”How to Make Smart Decisions About Training: Save Money, Time, and Frustration.” And as an independent consultant on improving the effectiveness of work teams, but mainly as the inventor of the now fashionable concept.

There is something wrong with the generalization in the concept of “soft skills”

Have you noticed that soft skills, upon closer why crisis comms is so important inspection, tend to fall apart into the most hard skills? For example, the ability to write a good text – wow, a “soft skill”! It requires specialization and can’t be just a part of some cloud of vanilla powder in which the inscription “soft skills” shimmers. The same applies to the skills of a speechwriter, rhetorician, negotiator, or specialist in work ethics, a field whose sphere somehow suspiciously overlaps with the field of labor law. No matter which of the skills are classified as “soft” rather arbitrarily (have you noticed this?), it turns out that in fact it is either a separate profession or a significant part of a separate profession.

Practical Summary

Go and ask anthropologists, neurobiologists chicago business specializing in psychophysiology, behavioral psychologists about soft skills. And you will see how they politely begin to move away from this topic to the area of ​​measurable phenomena and evidence-based science. They will tell you about the skulls of their ancestors and dental diseases associated with this or that type of diet and farming. They will mention the and instead of “the ability to work together” they will begin to tell you that collectivism is inherent in the descendants of those homo sapiens who grew rice, and individualism is inherent in the heirs of those who planted wheat.

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In practical terms, if you are a job seeker or a freelancer negotiating with a potential client, you should stay away from fans of the “soft skills” concept, just in case. After all, instead of measurable results, they will want “flexibility” and “ability to adapt to the situation” from you. And when it comes time to pay for your work, they will tell you that you have not shown them even a little bit. And money is easy to measure, but “flexibility” is not. The knowledge that learning foreign languages ​​really does pay off.

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