Self -ition: 20 secrets that many people do not know


Even if you do not believe it, there are still many myths around the self -ge or self -publishing of books. If you are thinking of publishing at some point your book maybe you consider whether it is worth it or not the autoidicon.

In this article we want to share with you some secrets of self -ge or self -publishing that many people do not know and that will help you make a decision on whether to self -publish or start looking for a traditional itorial:

 The authors do not take care of the ition

Content index
The idea that authors who decide for self -ge do not take care of the rundancy, the book ition (style, correction, cover …) is very widespread. However, in most cases the opposite happens! They treat their book as a baby, taking care of him and pampering him since they know it is an essential factor for sales. A poorly it book decreases the prestige of the book.

ISBN number
Did you know that to self -it your book and publish it, it is not mandatory to have ISBN number? It is estimat that 30% of the books sold at Amazon do not have ISBN. Note: The ISBN will be mandatory if we want to sell in physical store.

Authors without itors
Most self -ge authors have no agents. The authors of great success are sometimes reserv to hire an agent to negotiate things such as publication rights abroad or for films offers, for example. If you are starting to write, calm, you can do without an agent.

No schules or calendars
One of the advantages of self -ition is that it is the author himself who decides the rules. The author marks when and how much to write a year, sometimes being likely to finish the year with more than one ebook in his hand. This would not happen with the traditional publishing house, who hardly publish a book for each author.

Quantity and quality
In relation to the previous point, self -ition favors more spe, but does not mean that quality decreases. In general, the author will prepare a calendar product photo retouching with intelligence where there is a perfect balance between quantity and quality.

advanced photo retouching

Amazon is the king

Most of the self -ge and publication business is carri by the Amazon giant. The sale of ebooks on Amazon makes this portal an important source of income that we cannot ignore.

7. Free
Publish your book on platforms like rangka kerja mudah untuk hasil yang lebih baik Amazon. Ibooks or Google Play is free. Another thing is the time or budget that you have dicat to the cover, formatting and iting and the promotion of your book.

8. Amazon KDP Select
There is a great debate around the Amazon KDP Select. This system helps the authors upload their book in the rankings, get it bestseller. The program also places khb directory the book in the Kindle Unlimit catalog. However, in return Amazon does not allow you to sell your book on any other platform, even on the author’s own website. Before choosing KDP Select for your book, think about the pros and cons.

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