Personal brand: everything starts with a book


This is the story of what a book can do for you. My little story.

In October 2014 I publish a new book this time only at Amazon: triumphs with your ebook.

Here I show you the first cover and the current one which by the way I just chang. It is one of Amazon’s advantages: you can change the cover whenever you want also the interior the price and to the title if you want!

First cover current cover
Personal brand Personal brand book
This last cover was design by Pablo Rodríguez. Do you like the previous one? I am!

I had already written four books with publishers such as the Anaya Group (“International Marketing” “International Negotiation”) or with our own itorial seal (“International Web” or “The 2.0 Company Website”).


My four previous books

Personal brand Personal brand Book Personal brand Personal brand book


What would change if I rewront those four books
Content index

Seen with the perspective of time and experience today if I rewrite these four books this is what I would change:

#1. The cover:

I would do it much more attractive. Not me of course that I am not a graphic designer. It would be commission to Pablo again or some other good covers designer.

#2. Title size:

You will see what it costs to read it. Great mistake! The title must appear largely to be well read taking into account that the cover will be seen with the size of a stamp on a computer tablet or mobile screen.

#3. Would add a subtitle:

The subtitle allows us to highlight the main benefit that the reader will obtain when putting in practice what the book counts.

#4. From each book would take a collection of 3 or 4:

These four books are authentic manuals very complete that touch everything relat to the theme they deal with.

Today “parcelaría.” For example the “The 2.0 company website” that I wrote together with Lasse Rouhiainen would publish it in several books within the same “umbrella.” I could even get more than four books with types of the type: how to create an effective website positioning online advertising social network management marketing video blogs and marketing with blogs and business success cases on the Internet.

Because? Because it is more digestible by the reader they sell better like this and a book helps sell others since you generate a community that not only buys your books besides if you like it talk about them and that helps and much!

But I continue with my story …

He triumphs with your ebook was a bestseller in a basic image editing services single month and became the best -selling book in Spanish among the more than 100000 books available in Amazon in Spanish of non -fiction and fiction. Imagine selling over “50 shades of Gray” at least a few days. A success and in a very short time!

basic image editing services


Triumph with your bestseller book by more than 100000 books on Amazon

Personal brand Book

It was a great satisfaction. I want to Apakah itu dan cara ia berfungsi Google SGE: Carian Pengalaman Generatif show that a book that interests your target audience can be Bestseller if you meet two requirements.


The two requirements for your book to be Bestseller:

#1. Your book is “Niche”:

It is aim at a very delimit audience to which you solve a bh lists concrete problem or ne. And if you really solve it. Not with generalities or a lot of straw.

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