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In this case you can use robots

Txt to restrict access to certain parts of your site that are not important for seo or rankings. This way, you not only reduce the load on your server, but it also makes the whole indexing process faster. #3 – when you decide to use shortened urls In this case you can use  for your affiliate links. Unlike cloaking or masking urls to trick users or search engines, it is a valid process to make your affiliate links more manageable. Two important things to know about robots.Txt the first thing is that any rules you add to robots.Txt are directives. This means that search engines must follow and obey the rules you have included.

In most cases search engines

Do crawl index, but if you have content that you don’t want in their index, the best way is to password protect specific directories or pages. The second thing is that even if you block a page or directory in robots.Txt, it can still appear in search results if it has links from other pages that have been indexed. In other words, adding a page you want to block to robots.Txt does not guarantee that it will be removed or not appear on the web. The past, I have often seen results with the description “no description for search result or blocked”.

In addition to password protecting

A page or directory, another way is to use a page directive by adding a meta tag like the one below to the <head> of each page to block indexing: <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”> how does robots.Txt work? The robots file has a very simple structure. There are a number of predefined keyword/value combinations that you can use. The most common are: user-agent, disallow, allow, crawl-delay, sitemap. User-agent: specifies which crawler to include in the directives. You can use an * to indicate all crawlers or if you prefer you can specify the name of the crawler, see example below.

You can see all the available names and values ​​for

The user-agent directive, here . User-agent: * – includes all crawlers. User-agent: googlebot – only for google bot. Disallow: a directive that instructs bots (specified above) not to crawl a url or part of a web page. The value of disallow can binance users list be a specific file, url, or directory. See the example below taken from google technical support . Block disallow google bot in robots.Txt allow: directive that specifies which pages or subdirectories can be accessed. This only applies to googlebot. You can use allow to allow access to a specific subdirectory on your site, even though the root directory is disallowed.

I block the photo folder

special data

I allow indexing in photos/vietnetgroup user-agent: * disallow: /photos allow: /photos/vietnetgroup/ crawl-delay: you can specify a value to force search engine crawlers to wait a specific amount of time before crawling the next page the ultimate guide to social media platforms for b2b influencer marketing from your site. The value you enter is in milliseconds. Note that googlebot does not take this crawl-delay into account. You can use google search console to control the crawl rate for google (this option is in site settings) I took a screenshot below. Site setting in google search console you can use crawl-delay in case.

You should not use this late data collection directive

Sitemap: the sitemap directive is supported by major search engines. Including google and it is used to specify the location of In this case you can use  your xml sitemap . (if you want to see the xml sitemap article, click the link next to it) even if you don’t specify . The location snbd host of your xml sitemap in robots.Txt, search engines can still find it. One important thing to note is that robots are case sensitive. For example, disallow: file Html will not block file. Html how to create a robots. Txt file txt creating a robots file is easy.

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