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How to Boost Your Manufacturing Business Through Digital Marketing

For decades, industrial companies have relied on traditional marketing methods. It’s worked well enough, but it’s time for a change. To keep growing, you need to build a solid online presence for your manufacturing business—and you need a proven and measurable marketing approach to do it.

Digital Marketing Strategies for the Manufacturing Industry

It’s a very simple rule: you have to acquire customers, and you also need to retain them. Acquisition and retention are like two halves of a whole. If either is missing, growth won’t happen. Both acquisition and retention need to be a focus of your marketing and sales strategy, and you can’t be successful in this journey without going digital. Here are albania phone number library some things that have worked well for our clients.

Think of marketing as an investment, not an expense. It’s hard to measure direct ROI from a video explaining some production process, but it’s sure to influence someone at some point. By consistently providing useful information, you can increase your company’s value and build brand equity. This will inevitably lead to long-term growth.

Help your audience on their buyer’s journey. According to Gartner, 77% of B2B buyers described their most recent purchase as complex or difficult. You can make it easier for them with content marketing. By creating content that resonates with your audience, you can educate them and inspire them to do business with you — not necessarily right now.

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Don’t be afraid to be transparent

When you start doing content marketing, you have to share some behind-the-scenes insights. It might feel uncomfortable, but I wouldn’t worry about it. If your competitive advantage is so easy to steal and copy, then it’s not a competitive advantage. After all, Elon Musk has been sharing everything he does, but no one has been able to copy SpaceX.

No need to choose digital over traditional. As marketing for entrepreneurs: 7 strategies that work effective as digital inbound marketing is, you may not want to abandon all of your traditional outbound marketing tactics. After all, you’ve gained traction by buying print ads, attending trade shows, and offering free consultations and site inspections. You don’t have to abandon those tactics.

Think about it. If someone sees an ad in a trade magazine bwb directory but hasn’t yet gone out and bought it, what are the odds that they’ll save it and respond a few months later? Almost zero. The last thing you want to do is find yourself trying a variety of different things—online and offline—and not have them work together in one integrated system.

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