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Formulating mission and vision with examples

A mission and vision are important elements for a company. They form the basis of the strategy and important decisions. For this reason, formulating a mission and vision is essential. This way, you know exactly which course to follow. Characteristics of a mission and vision are:

Identity of the organization (mission)
The reason for existence (mission)
What do we want to achieve in the future (vision)
Can be adjusted every now and then (vision)
In order to create a mission, you first need to formulate a vision. From this perspective, you can formulate the other. This is essential for a sound strategic marketing plan . After all, ultimate strategies come from the organization’s raison d’être and the ultimate future dream (where the organization wants to go).

Strategic marketing plan example

What is a mission?
In a mission you record the identity of the organization. You actually describe the ‘raison d’être’ of the company. In this way you show germany whatsapp number data what the company does and how it adds value. So in what way is it, for example, distinctive from the competition?

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The mission is not only intended to radiate to your direct customers. The employees, suppliers and, for example, the media also play an important role in this. Of course, you want to have one ‘identity’. It is therefore not the intention to draw up a mission for each stakeholder. A mission is also called a mission statement. Some questions you can answer when creating a mission are:

What are core values?

This blog explains that Péče o vedení: 7 zlatých pravidel pro přeměnu kontaktů na zákazníky core values ​​are an important part of your mission. Core values ​​are also elements that a company finds very important. These components can also be rubbed into the mission. After all, it is part of the corporate by lists culture. It is mainly about the behavior and culture of the organization. The employees act from these motives. Some examples are.

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