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Example of a good main question

You can delimit a main question in various ways. To give you an idea, below are examples of delimitations. You can mention this in your research question.

Sector (automotive industry/hospitality industry)
These are just examples of demarcations. Of course, you can go deeper into the target group. For example, a Business-to-Business company that does research can choose to focus on the target group: SME companies. For a consumer product, this can be a certain age category.

A good main question could be for example:

How can the company create 20% more brand awareness among the target group of 20-30 year olds by the year 2024?
How can the company use its brazil whatsapp number data marketing and sales policy more effectively to increase its customer base (30% compared to 2023) with 20-28 year olds in 2024?
Below are examples that are not correct:

whatsapp data

These are not SMART and not clearly defined.

With a strong and specific main question, the company can actually do something with your research. In the last heading you will find tips on how to do this. A sub-question, on the other hand, can be a bit more general.

Your main question should be concrete

This is the basis of your Iskoristite utjecajne osobe za doseg research . The person reading it will also pay close attention to this. This could be an examiner or the management. With the SMART method you can create a sharp main question. sharpen the main question. Below we explain it step by step.

1. Specific
You make it specific by linking an by lists observable action or result. In short, what exactly do you want to achieve. For example, link a specific target group, year or turnover figure. For example, it is specific if you indicate that you want 30% more brand awareness for your target group in the age category 18-25 years in 2024. It could also be that the company wants 150 new customers.



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