Black Friday: Keys to your marketing strategy (2024)

Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday are two eagerly awaited dates in the marketing calendar in recent years. It is the weekend with the highest sales of the entire year, but that also means a glut of offers, so it is crucial to prepare in the weeks leading up to it.

With this comprehensive guide, you can lay the groundwork to harness the potential of Black Friday in your company’s digital marketing strategy. November is a time to reap results and the countdown begins now.

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Table of Contents
Key facts about Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday
Why is Black Friday so important for your business?
10 best practices to boost your sales on Black Friday
Black Friday: a long-distance race
Key facts about Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday
The impact of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday on global consumption, and on e-commerce in particular, is indisputable. In this section, you will find data from different sources that confirm the potential of these dates in November, even greater than in Christmas marketing strategies .

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Sales that continue to grow

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The Black Friday shopping phenomenon has not yet peaked, at least when measured by the overall volume of sales generated. In the United States, Adobe Analytics has analysed the annual upward trend of this figure since 2014 (as reported by NBC and Moosend ), with only a slight decline in 2021. In 2022, total spending on Black Friday purchases rose again to $9.12 billion, 2.3% more than the previous year. On a normal day, global sales are around $2 billion.

01-Black Friday Sales Evolution-NBC News

Source: NBC News

Meanwhile, e-commerce platform Shopify collects global data. Its reports indicate that in 2022 its stores generated $3.36 billion in sales during Black Friday, which top 5 lead generation companies in 2024 is a 17% increase compared to 2021. Over the entire weekend, Shopify e-commerce sales reached $7.5 billion, a 19% increase compared to the previous year.

Cyber ​​Monday generates higher sales volume than Black Friday
It may seem surprising, but the data leaves no room for doubt. In recent years, Cyber ​​Monday has always surpassed Black Friday in sales volume, although it is a little less known among the population. In the United States, for example, $2 billion more in sales were generated on this date than on Black Friday in 2022. The expectations generated by Black Friday offers go beyond one day and companies reserve their best offers for the final moment.

Furthermore, as reflected by Statista , Spain is one of the European countries where Cyber ​​Monday is best known, surpassed only by the United Kingdom in 2021.

An increasingly global phenomenon

Black Friday is celebrated the day after the American Thanksgiving holiday. Its origins are therefore linked to the United States and its epicentre remains in this country. However, in recent years it has crossed borders to become a global phenomenon. In 2021, Black Friday Global recorded a worldwide increase in sales of 663% compared to a normal day, distributed across all regions of the world.

Source: Black Friday Global

Black Friday 2022 also had particular potential in the Spanish-speaking world . Segmently has recorded the five countries where sales revenue grew the most on this alb directory date, and among them are Mexico and Colombia. Meanwhile, in Spain, nine out of ten consumers between 18 and 34 years old expressed their intention to buy something on this date, according to the survey published by Tandem Up.

Product types: toys are particularly predominant

Black Friday data confirms that it is the unofficial start of holiday shopping. Adobe Analytics analyzed the product categories that saw the biggest increase in sales on Cyber ​​Monday 2022 compared to a normal day in the United States, and toys are the big winners, with sales increasing sevenfold. Other popular categories included sporting goods, appliances, books, and jewelry.

In Spain, according to Tandem Up , technology products were the category with the highest purchase intention in 2022 (44%), especially among the male audience. This was followed by fashion and beauty (42%, with female predominance) and home (29%).

More traffic at night

During Black Friday, in e-commerce, users gradually join throughout the day and there begins to be a considerable volume of traffic from midday, until the peak of sales is recorde at 9:00 p.m., as reflecte in these data from SalesCycle .

03-Time-Based Sales-SaleCycle
The prominence of mobile devices
The sense of urgency generated by these dates favors the use of cell phones, with a predominance over computers even greater than the rest of the year. According to statistics compile by Segmently, in 2021, 67% of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday purchases were made on mobile devices, and the proportion rose to 73% in 2022.

Why is Black Friday so important for your business?

The origin of Black Friday is in the Unite States, where it is celebrate the day after Thanksgiving. In the 1960s, the Philadelphia police began using the term because of the traffic generate on that date. Later, the meaning evolve to refer to the time of year when merchants stoppe being in the red and starte making a profit.

Today, the tradition has spread and shoppers around the world are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, the following Monday. It is a phenomenon that is particularly present in the digital world, but also in physical stores. For companies, this weekend is an opportunity to target all types of customers , from the most loyal to those who are not yet familiar with the brand. However, the marketing strategy must be carefully planne for each segment of the target audience.

There is a reason for the significant discounts during these holidays: they represent a great opportunity to maximize sales . Many consumers wait and plan their largest purchases during the weeks leading up to them, taking advantage of the special offers they know they will find. In e-commerce, this has a direct impact on the conversion rate .

For example, among the e-commerce sites analyse by Doofinder , the conversion rate has gone from 6.3% on a normal day to 9.1% on Black Friday. On Cyber ​​Monday, an average of 8.4% of visitors to the analyse e-commerce sites became customers.

Another advantage of Black Friday is that shoppers are leaving fewer abandone carts than usual . They know that deals are for a limite time, and the fear of missing out or running out of specific products makes them more determine to complete their purchases. According to Salesforce , the volume of unfinishe purchases drops by 5% during Black Friday week.

Remarketing on Black Friday

Within the variety of marketing strategies that brands can carry out during Black Friday, remarketing plays a prominent role. It consists of capturing the attention of users who have previously interacte with the brand , taking advantage of the attractiveness of your Black Friday offers. They have a potential interest in your products, but they will receive stimuli from many brands, so the personalization of your messages is particularly important.

Collecting data about your potential customers is the key to an effective remarketing strategy. At times like these, managing a subscriber database through a CRM tool pays off. It’s time to leverage the information to retarget your target audience with targete ads and email marketing campaigns, base on their previous interactions.

A time to reach new customers

Lastly, Black Friday deals aren’t just aime at contacts who are already in your database or know your company. It’s also a great time to attract new customers , as shoppers are more receptive to commercial messages during this season.

On the other hand, the fierce competition at this time of year is no secret to anyone, so to plan this part of the Black Friday campaign, a certain amount of ambition is necessary. The ideal strategy to gain visibility always has several pillars. Among them, do not overlook the potential of social networks: more than half of their users already use them as platforms to find products. Another possibility is to invest in SEM to advertise on Google Ads, which will be more effective if combin with the creation of relevant organic content.

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