Email marketing: the opening rate (and how to increase it)


EMAIL MARKETING The opening rate
Within the email marketing the opening rate is one of the most measur aspects and that we want to increase. Because why send Newsletter and strive to capar emails if nobody opens the emails?

Therefore in this post we have compil 8 tips and guidelines which carrying them out can make the opening percentage of your emails increase. Do you accompany us?


1. Write an attractive issue:
Content index
It is the first line they are going to read and although there are other factors that influence the opening rate the email issue is one of the most important.

The email issue must be direct clear and preferably short. To create it attractive we must create expectations in the reader (who please are fulfill once click). For example:

Interview with the KDP director in Spanish

Indie Author: The KDP director responds

Another useful aspect when writing holders with hook is for example using figures numbers or percentages since curiosity in the receiver increases. In this post you have some more tips on how to write holders that hook.

2. What is the best time to send the mail?
Have you tri to change the time or day of sending your emails? Before setting a date and an hour and repeat it until satiety try to send the same email at different times moments and days to different groups. It is what is known as A/B test. Sending the same email in different situations you can analyze the data later to know which email has given you the best result.

Once done? You can do it again until you photo retouching give with the day and time that best fit you and your subscribers. In email marketing everything is test-error test-error.

EMAIL MARKETING The opening rate.

advanced photo retouching

Segmentation: Do you know your subscribers?

Is all the people who read the newspaper the same? No right? There are people who buy it daily others read it by borom others only look at the headlines and some only make the sudoku of the end.

Exactly the same happens with blog readers. Each Como iniciar um negócio em Dakota do Sul: um guia para iniciantes of the users who subscribe to our Emails list is different from the previous one. Therefore we must segment our subscribers. A good way is to create lists in the tool we use to manage campaigns. For example:

Subscrib list via web

Subscrib list that are active on Twitter

Subscrib list that has download the ebook

In this way you can send more personaliz messages khb directory for each group of subscribers.

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