31 things you can improve in Social Mia (and maybe you don’t know)


Have you ever stopp to think if you can improve in Social Mia? In this article we have compil 31 aspects that we can surely improve (all) and that with a little effort and attention will make us easily improve in social mia.

List of aspects to improve in Social Mia:
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#1. Talk more about you they want to meet you
An error that we sometimes make as a company is not to put the team that works behind. The public likes to know who speaks with putting a own name and a face so that the conversation is more personal. If you have not consider it Let’s do it!. Look at our team’s page in case it serves as inspiration.

#2. Facebook ADS? Yeah!
If you haven’t us it yet it’s time for you to start. Facebook ADS is the perfect tool to reach your target audience. You can also filter in a very specific and concrete way to which people you want to arrive so that the money you invest knows that you can convert with who you really want.

 Do we have Instagram?

Instagram is another channel that is not stat in the business world as much as Twitter or Facebook. But especially if your business is of consumer or services products that can show a visual component this social network can do a lot to spread your brand and promote your products or services.

#4. Do you answer everyone on Twitter?
Sometimes it is difficult to respond every mention or to each post that is shar. But surely we can improve something pay more attention and if we cannot respond to each mention give at least “like” when they mention us.

#5. Share more content from others
It is tempting to share its own content before the foreign. But sometimes it is good not to look so much the navel and share content of others.

Sometimes it is good not to look so much the navel and share content of others
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#6. Returning the Follow
Who does not want to have a lot of followers? Maybe you have hundrs and hundrs of followers and you don’t follow anyone or return the Follow. It is not welcome to photo retouch editior website necessary that you follow each and every one of the users you follow but at least check what type of account it is and if it is the same sector it also follows.

welcome to photo retouch editior website

Have you consider doing Mobile Marketing?

They say that the Mobile will be one of the star engines of marketing in 2016. It is true that using it will depend on the type of company in which you move but it is an error not even consider it.

#8. Change the bio on Twitter
It cannot be that you have the same Pemasaran Pencetus: apakah itu dan cara ia berfungsi biography on Twitter 8 years. Your company yourself and the environment will have chang. Review it periodically to keep it updat.

improve in social mia

#9. The #Hehtag
As for the hashtag there are three things that we can improve:

– Use them more if we don’t use them

– Use them less if we put too many

– Study which hashtag are more effective and bh lists agree more with our content. Use for example hashtagify.

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