Amy Poehler’s longtime costar

 Mean Girls. Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures Everett Collection Ultimately Fey created the role of math teacher and waitress Ms. Sharon Norbury for herself but she also brought in some cast members from Saturday Night Live. Of course  on Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update plays Regina George’s mom, the awesome Anna Gasteyer plays Cady’s mom, played by comedy guru Tim Meadows Duvall, principal of North Shore High School. Jonathan Bennett’s resemblance to the Saturday Night Live alum landed him in the role.


It was determined that

Bennett was not the casting team’s first choice for Aaron Samuels. It’s unclear why he replaced James Franco. But we do know why he was specifically chosen as a replacement. From left, Jonathan Bennett and Lindsay Lohan from Mean Girls. Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures Fey allegedly chose Bennett for the role because he resembled her former Saturday Night Live costar Jimmy Fallon. This isn’t completely confirmed yet but we can definitely see the similarities.


Ariana Grande is a huge fan

Of Mean Girls. It’s worth noting that these music video trailers depict scenes and characters from Mean Girls. With the help of friends, Ariana Grande recreates the costume created by three “Plastics” – Regina George McAdams, Karen Smith, Amanda Seyfried and Gretchen Venus. Scene starring Chabert. From left, Lacey Chabert, Rachel McAdams, Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Seyfried in Mean Girls.


Mean Girls inspired a video

Game and a Broadway musical, and the film’s influence extends beyond memes and commemorative occasions. The first game of the year was released that featured original characters but with Mean Girls as the protagonist. It was announced later that a more specific game would be developed. Although this iteration was cancelled, a game based on the movie did come out in 2016 – for those who wanted to revisit the movie’s factions and book-burning digs. Pictured left is Mean Girls’ Lizzy Caplan and Lindsay Lohan. Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures Everett Collection But Mean Girls also took on another art form as a musical.

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