How to increase the number of repeat visits to a medical center and reduce the cost of a lead by 4.5 times: a case study of the Vertebrocenter clinic chain

Colleagues from the Vertebrocenter clinic network in Yekaterinburg wanted to increase the number of repeat visits to the clinic. They decided to test Calltouch Smart Communications as a tool for CRM marketing and doubled the number of repeat visits, and also reduced the cost of a lead from 1,389 to 308 rubles. Read the article to find out how they did it.

Vertebrocenter is a network of neurology, orthopedics and psychology clinics in Yekaterinburg. Patients come here to relieve pain after some injuries, pinching and other damage. And doctors guarantee that more than 90% of patients with acute pain experience relief after the first pinching.

Problem: Customers are not returning well

About a year ago, Vertebrocenter changed email data its client acquisition strategy and it worked successfully – from month to month, the guys broke through their ceiling in the number of primary patients. But while there were more leads, the number of repeat requests did not change.

The problem is that many patients after the first appointment

When they feel better, go into the sunset – and do not continue treatment. As a result, the clinic’s conversion rate to a repeat visit decreases, and the patient will still return to them or to another clinic with more severe pain after a while.

email data

That’s why Marketing Director Andrey Podshivalov from the Vertebrocenter clinic chain decided to pay more attention to CRM marketing. Since he has been using Calltouch End-to-End Analytics in marketing for a long time, he decided to try other platform tools that would help improve conversion.

Task: Increase retention rate and grow LTV

In the case of the rehabilitation medicine i think whether it is missing or goable clinic, it was clear that follow-up visits were more valuable than initial visits. First-time patients come to relieve pain and often do not return. Those who come back again stay for treatment, sometimes for a long time.

Therefore, the global task facing Smart Communications was:

Increase customer ch leads retention rate to 85%. At the beginning of the journey it was 73%.
Increase patient loyalty and grow LTV.b

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