A step by step guide for business


According to English-language sources, in particular magazine and “25% of a brand’s market value is directly related to its reputation.” And if in 2021, 88% of Internet users made a purchase decision after studying reviews, then in 2024, according to Avito research, their number increased to 95%. This is an important point ! That is, only 2% of Russians ignore reviews (the remaining 3% never buy goods on the Internet). At the same time, 68% of people always read reviews, 16% – only when they doubt the seller, product or service, 11% – depending on their mood.

First, let’s remember what SERM is and define its purpose for your company. SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management) is work with a company’s reputation aimed at creating a positive image in search engines. The goal is to maximize positive content and minimize negative content. If you are doing SERM, be prepared to constantly monitor, respond, and publish feedback. SERM includes search engine optimization, paid search marketing, press optimization, blogging, and social media. That is, online forums, review platforms, official social media accounts, review sites – all of this is used in reputation management. Now let’s define your situation.

A Telegram database usually contains telegram database information about Telegram users, such as their phone numbers, usernames, or group memberships. This data is sometimes used for marketing, contacting people, or analyzing trends. But, gathering and using this data without clear permission can break privacy rules like GDPR and Telegram’s own rules, which don’t allow sending unwanted messages or collecting data without consent.

telegram database

Once you have decided how to work with your brand reputation, you need to start working with reviews. The first step is to collect a semantic core, that is, words and phrases that describe your brand, services or products. This is necessary for search queries. Then, links in search results should be analyzed by site quality indicators and grouped by content types and sources to identify the most negative links. The result of such an audit provides information about the brand’s presence on the Internet. We recommend creating a cluster of queries that people use to search for information about you. The following combinations are important here (N is the name of the brand or site, Y is the name of the product/service.

Conduct an audit of reviews from different sources

Among the advantages: monitoring not only  social networks, but also review sites, public channels, media, etc.; high search accuracy, connecting new sources at the client’s request. Disadvantages: the option is more suitable for large and creating a winning b2b influencer marketing strategy medium-sized businesses, high cost (you can request a demo version, otherwise the price starts from 30,000 rubles, there are several tariffs).


Developer of an automatic system that monitors and analyzes media and social media in real time. Plus – unlimited search on social networks. The minus is that there are no archives older than one year. The service is paid, but the first week is free.  This is a free system for monitoring mentions in social media (up to 2 objects of monitoring and up to 2 users). And this is its main advantage. Simplicity, the ability to filter data by author, age and other criteria are also attractive. Cons – not enough functions, low coverage.

Analyze the reviews

It is important to understand in what way and on which review sites you can influence. Not all competitive methods are white and clean, and if you suspect that a review is fake, send a request to the administration – on some sites it can be removed. So, you can record all the information in a table. Alternatively, separate the search results analysis (what the user sees when they request it) and the site analysis (what the user sees when they go to a specific site) in one table.

If you want to regularly monitor your chicago business company’s reputation and improve your business, create accounts on review sites. This is necessary for high-quality and regular monitoring of your sites, to see new reviews and promptly respond to them, interact with customers. It makes sense to show positive reviews from online sites on the company’s official website to attract visitors’ attention and “nudge” them to make a purchase. There are special services for aggregating product reviews from external sites. The two most reliable from the users’ point of view are Mneniya.Pro and Aplaut. The services organize the process of collecting, managing and distributing user content: they collect reviews from marketplaces, websites of brand manufacturers and reviewers, and add widgets to the site.

First, choose the right time. Ask customers to write reviews at strategic times: After they demonstrate the use of your product/service (social media tags, etc.), you can ask them to write a review after some time, during which the person used your product. When customers re-order. When customers browse your website, the catalog of products/services on it. If your regular customers bring you a new customer. Use NPS (Net Promoter Score, where the customer is asked to rate the company/product/service in points).

But remember that the client will be more willing to write a review if you stimulate him with a discount or a gift. Such an idea not only encourages writing a review, but also creates a positive opinion of the company in the eyes of the client. At the very least, it is worth asking the client for a review via letter, call or questionnaire.

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