Why Crisis Comms Is So Important

5. Practice, practice, practice.  your crisis team ahead of time. Ideally, your designat spokesperson will be a familiar face for contacts and should feel comfortable speak to the mia and/or large groups of people.

As we learn from the OpenAI example

your team should know how to tactfully respond to difficult questions. Phrases like “I’ll check that information and get back to you,” and “Let me confirm with my team,” or even “We’re work on those details” may not deliver the responses people are look for, but they provide your team with a chance to craft a better response in the future without los cribility.

Public relations professionals will typically create brief documents ahead of interviews to provide relevant information about the journalist, outlet, and expect topics of conversation. These brief docs will usually include a list of key points to mention dur the interview, along with potential questions and approv responses. Ensure every executive and leader at your company is align on messag by provid them with a similar list of questions and responses they should know dur and after a crisis.

While your spokesperson may be ready

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to speak to the public, the rest of your team must understand the process of work dur a crisis. Run a few practice drills with your crisis management team to ensure your team knows what to do and when. This also gives you a chance to iron out any problems.

6. Review and adjust. The lifecycle of a crisis may seem long while you experience it, but it will eventually end. Once the dust settles, meet with your crisis management team to discuss what did and didn’t work, mak adjustments for future potential crises.

Whether your business operates in crisis mode

for a few days or several months, be sure to maintain constant communication with your stakeholders, the press, and anyone impact by the crisis far into the future. This will help rebuild your brand’s trust and cribility.

Relat read: Crisis Communication 101 for B2B Companies—with Step by Step Crisis Reaction Instructions

Other Examples of Businesses Fac Crises

Review instances of good and bad responses dur crises can help businesses create their crisis communications plans.

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Spicy (Chicken) Nugget of Wisdom

In one major example from earlier this year, fast food chain restaurant Wendy’s announc it would experiment with dynamic pric. This caus backlash on social mia and an avalanche of mia coverage.

Dynamic pric refers to chang the price of goods or services in response to demand. It isn’t even a new concept. For example, airlines have us dynamic pric models for years, although most people don’t notice until they ne to book a last-minute flight. And more recently, dynamic ticket pric for concerts and events reach a boil point, anger fans across music genres and lead lawmakers to get involv by propos bills to address the issue.

The problem for Wendy’s wasn’t in the dynamic pric; it was the mia runn away with the wrong messag. When Wendy’s said it would implement surge pric like Uber, customers became furious at the idea that their food could cost more.

Dynamic ≠ surge. Wendy’s backtrack and tri

to add some clarity to the situation, emphasiz the model they want to explore was dynamic pric, not surge pric. Similar to happy hours or BOGO deals, this meant prices might go up dur peak hours, but they could also go down when demand was low. Unfortunately for Wendy’s, the public’s perception got ahead of them and creat an entirely different narrative.

A (Dark) Web of Data

Manag customer data in the era of all ths digital is a daunt task, especially when millions of customers are involv.

In 2021, hackers claim customer information was stolen from AT&T. Fast forward years later to March 2024, and that personal data was found on the dark web. This information includ the social security numbers and account information of 65.4 million former customers and 7.6 million current account holders.

As part of its response, AT&T inform regulators

and its current customers of the data breach, shar information about the incident and describ what data was compromis. The company also outlin its response, which includ resett passcodes for those 7.6 million affect. Additionally, all 73 million current and former customers will receive one year of free crit-monitor services.

In the weeks follow the data breach, customers have express concerns on social mia and online forums over AT&T’s response. Some criticiz the company for not do enough to protect the stolen information years before it was leak, while others were frustrat by notices of potential price increases to their services follow news of the hack.

AT&T did well to quickly share the news and own up to the incident, inform authorities and those affect, but it still wasn’t quick enough to prevent the incident from happen altogether. This means the company has a long way to go in creat and rebuild consumer trust. Cybersecurity best practices emphasize that cyber crime is a matter of when, not if, it will happen, and crisis comms plays a major role in relay that message to customers.

Examples of Effective Crisis Communication

Each crisis is at least somewhat unique, so while there is no simple formula for effective crisis management, companies can learn from strategies us in successful crisis comms responses and adapt them for their own use.

Acknowlg Mistakes

Follow the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the Feral Reserve issu a detail report for the public. The report outlin the reasons behind SVB’s failure and the Feral Reserve admitt its own shortcoms, stat, “Feral Reserve supervisors fail to take forceful enough action.”

In addition to provid a detail the ultimate guide to social media platforms for b2b influencer marketing account of the steps it would take to strengthen its supervision and regulation, the Feral Reserve sent a message of assurance: “Our bank system is sound and resilient, with strong capital and liquidity.”

This approach didn’t gloss over or try to minimize problems. Instead, it acknowlg them by clearly identify issues and solutions in a publicly available report.

Relat read: The SVB Collapse: How to Communicate with Stakeholders in Times of Crisis

Find Opportunities

Even if your company isn’t directly involv in a crisis, can your products or services deliver a solution to the problem? Emerg as a solution is not only an effective way of rais brand awareness, it helps to build your brand reputation against future potential crises.

In one example, New Cosmos USA, the global leader in residential natural gas detectors, was prepar to launch a new line call DeNova Detect. Before its launch, New Cosmos notic the risks impact their industry, includ 4,200 annual home fires due to natural gas explosions and the controversial political climate around natural gas appliances.

Together with the Zen Mia PR team, New Cosmos chose to acknowlge the risks through a campaign emphasiz natural gas safety dur the DeNova Detect’s launch at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). The outreach plan was spearhead by a comprehensive press release, target outreach to trade publications, newsjack, and thought leadership opportunities.

Combin with consistent messag and sustain momentum on social mia, the results were incrible. The New Cosmos products emerg onto b2c lead the CES scene with unmatch force, share of voice explod to 689% and result in deals with multiple major big-box retailers, and the Las Vegas City Mayor’s Office honor the brand’s efforts by declar January 6 as Natural Gas Safety Awareness Day.

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