In this regard, discover how tradition and […] brand awareness 20 May, 2019 Brand awareness: practical examples on how to increase it Category: Web Marketing for Restaurants To always keep your business’ online brand awareness under control, you can use different monitoring and analysis tools. Let’s see a brief review of the best ones. Immediately after, I will show you some practical examples that can help you understand how to increase it. How do you measure brand awareness? What are the best tools? To monitor […] How to open a successful restaurant 20 May, 2019 How to Open a Successful Restaurant and Manage Your Reputation Category: Web Marketing for Restaurants How to manage your restaurant’s reputation is one of the first things you need to learn if you want to open a successful restaurant. In this article, we will gather all the tips, tricks and ideas to help you successfully manage your restaurant’s reputation. When a user searches for your restaurant on the internet, they will surely read the […] personal trainer while working out in the gym 09 May, 2019 Do you run a gym? Learn how to better manage your social media by connecting them to your website Category: Why Swimme If you are a gym manager, you surely know the importance of sharing and how relevant it is in a sports environment to communicate with other fitness enthusiasts, results, goals and even training programs. In the digital age, sharing does not only happen in physical places such as gyms or sports centers, but especially on social networks, so […] ice cream man preparing an ice cream cone 05 May, 2019 A small guide for all the ice cream shops that want to make themselves known through Facebook and Instagram Category:Why Swimme Digitalization has completely subverted the way of doing marketing. In the past, before the advent of the internet, one promoted one’s business through flyers, posters on the street, in the yellow pages or specialized magazines; those who had more resources to allocate to advertising turned to more powerful and invasive means, capable of reaching a […] website for pizzerias 05 May, 2019 The ideal pizzeria website to attract customers Category:

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